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Gum Disease Therapy

Personalized Solutions for Gum Disease Therapy

gum disease

Besides tooth decay, periodontal (gum) disease is a leading threat to your oral health. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates at least 50% of adults in the U.S. have a form of it despite being preventable. Although the early warning signs, like red and inflamed gums, may not seem alarming, you need periodontal therapy right away to save your smile. At Young Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, we have the personalized treatment options you need for gum disease in Joplin.

Causes of Gum Disease

Gum disease is the result of poor oral hygiene habits. Improper brushing and flossing techniques cause plaque and tartar to accumulate near the gum line, which harbors bacteria. This infects the gingival tissue.

In its earliest stage, gingivitis, gum disease can be treated quickly without causing long-term damage. Unfortunately, the early warning signs are often ignored, allowing it to progress in severity. The infection can destroy the supporting structures of your teeth, eventually leading to tooth loss. The bacteria can also enter your bloodstream, increasing your risk of several health concerns, including cardiovascular disease, respiratory infections, and diabetic complications.

Treating Gum Disease

Dr. Dan K. Young offers the individualized treatment plan you need to stop the infection to save your smile. He provides the latest solutions in periodontal therapy to restore your gum health.

Scaling and Root Planing

dental cleaning

More commonly called a deep cleaning, the two procedures are routinely used to treat the infection. Scaling is performed first, which uses a special dental tool to clean tartar accumulations from above and below the gum line. Root planing involves smoothing the roots of your teeth after they have been cleaned. This prevents future build-up while also encouraging your gum tissue to reattach to your teeth.

Soft Tissue Laser Therapy

 soft tissue laser

A highly concentrated light beam targets the diseased tissue to stop the infection. This is a preferred alternative to past treatments because it eliminates the need for a scalpel and sutures. The laser provides more precise results to leave healthy tissue untouched. It also sterilizes and cauterizes while it cuts to reduce the risk of infection and bleeding. The soft tissue laser stimulates your gum tissue to encourage regeneration to restore a healthy smile.

ARESTIN Antibiotics

ARESTIN antibiotics are often recommended along with scaling and root planing to help treat chronic infections. It is locally applied to the gingival pockets to reduce their depth. The antibiotic is released over time to target bacteria to allow the gums to heal better. When used along with scaling and root planing, it has shown to greatly reduce the pocket depth for up to 3 months when compared to just using a deep cleaning.

Restore a Healthy Smile

Your dentist in Joplin, Dr. Young may also recommend more frequent checkups and cleanings to monitor your gum health as part of your periodontal maintenance therapy. He offers the solutions you need to reinstate a healthy smile that lasts.

If you have gum disease, do not wait until it is too late. Contact our office today to schedule your appointment.

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